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Metabolic Renewal Reviews - Will It Really Work For You? Truth Exposed!

Being a woman can sometimes be challenging. You go through several stages in life, and each stage is completely different from the others. Most women find it hard to adjust to the constant change that their body is undergoing.

Being a woman can sometimes be challenging. You go through several stages in life, and each stage is completely different from the others. Most women find it hard to adjust to the constant change that their body is undergoing.

There are various health programs for the betterment of the male body and physique, and by tweaking some of the elements, they release the same weight loss program for women. People should understand that there are stark differences in how a male and female body functions.

People should understand the hormonal difference between males and females. Most weight loss programs fail to grasp this minute detail and end up creating products that have minimal impact on the health and well-being of females.

Female metabolism works differently than its male counterparts. For a health program to work properly, it should understand what hormone type a woman possesses and create schedules accordingly. Different women have different hormone types.

Metabolic Renewal is a weight loss program that has been crafted specifically for different hormone types. It has created special diet and exercise programs that suit different hormone types.

Unlike other weight loss programs, Metabolic Renewal is very affordable and helps you lose weight effectively. If you are tired of constantly changing your diet to no avail, then you should give Metabolic Renewal a chance.

Many other weight loss programs do not understand the hormonal rhythm of the female body and create programs that may take a toll on women’s health.

Creating a weight loss program requires expertise and a lot of research on female hormones and metabolism. It requires a deep understanding of how different hormone types react when subjected to different meal plans and exercise routines.

In this Metabolic Renewal Review, we will learn what it includes and how it is helping women achieve a toned body.

NameMetabolic Renewal
OverviewMetabolic Renewal is the first hormone focussed body change program that lets you enjoy unsweetened tea herbs.
How It Works

It focuses on your mindset

It focuses on your movements

It focuses on your meals

It focuses on your metabolicBenefits

Let me know your hormone type.

Help you in losing weight

Improve your overall health.What Is Included

The 12-week body sculpting workout plan

Metabolic Renewal roadmap

12-week metabolic meal plans

Female transformation trackerMoney-Back GuaranteeThe company offers a 90-day money-back guarantee on products purchased from the site except for supplements. On supplements, it offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.PriceOne-time payment: $37.Customer ReviewsMetabolic Renewal program buyers are extremely happy with the program.AvailabilityYou can purchase Metabolic Renewal only through their official website.

What Is Metabolic Renewal?

Metabolic Renewal is a weight loss program that focuses on improving women’s health. Metabolic Renewal lets you find your hormone type and suggest a weight loss program accordingly.

Metabolic Renewal Provides weight loss programs personalized as per your hormone type. Metabolic Renewal understands your hormonal rhythm and uses it to help your body lose weight.

During puberty, some girls gain weight around the belly, which remains with them during the later stages of their lives. Metabolic Renewal is designed to enhance female fat loss. It also helps to keep your bones sturdy and boosts your metabolism.

Metabolic Renewal tries to understand your hormonal cycle and craft a program accordingly. Metabolic Renewal Workouts do not include very intense training of muscles. Its training programs are usually for a short span of time, and you have to go as hard as you can in that time.

Metabolic Renewal understands your hormone type first and then crafts a meal plan accordingly. If you are a binge eater, then you will have to follow a low-carb diet to lose weight effectively. You should also avoid taking frozen meals as they don’t have essential vitamins and minerals.

What Is A Weight Loss Program?

A weight loss program is simply a set of guidelines or rules you follow to lose weight. If you have tried many different diets before without success, then it may be time to consider a weight loss program.

The first step in any weight loss plan is to decide what kind of diet you want to follow. There are three main types: low-fat, high protein, and high carbohydrate. Each type will require a different approach. For example, if you choose a low-carbohydrate diet, you will need to eat fewer carbohydrates than someone who chooses a high-protein diet.

If you choose a low-fat diet, you will need fewer calories than someone choosing a high-fat diet.

When deciding which diet to follow, think about your lifestyle. Do you like to cook? Are you active? How much money do you have available to spend on food? These questions can help you determine which diet is right for you.

Who Created Metabolic Renewal?

Metabolic Renewal has been designed by Dr. Jade Teta, an integrative physician with a Doctorate in Naturopathic medicine as well as over 25 years of experience as a personal trainer.

Dr. Jade Teta was inspired to create Metabolic Renewal after his mother gained weight unexpectedly, and various meal plans or exercise routines could not help her lose weight.

He is an expert in female metabolism and hormones and has helped thousands of females to achieve their weight loss goals. The diet plan suggested by Dr. Jade enhances the fat-burning mechanism of your body. It helps you to lose weight easily.

Metabolic Renewal’s parent company Natural Health Sherpa has launched other weight loss programs in the past. Metabolic Renewal is the only program that has a Metabolic Renewal quiz wherein you can find your hormone type and get a customized meal plan.

The metabolic meal plan follows a 3-2-1 diet. That means you can eat 3 meals in total. Two of these meals contain only protein or veggies, while the third one contains a small amount of starch. Dr. Teta also offers protein powder.

The protein powder offered by Dr. Teta is metabolically optimized so that it gives you maximum benefits. Dr. Teta has categorized female hormones into 7 types based on their characteristics.

Metabolic Renewal does not stop you from eating your favorite meal but encourages you to adopt a low-carb diet. When you follow a low-carb diet, you can increase the production of ketones in your body which can help in fat-burning.

How Does Metabolic Renewal Work?

Metabolic Renewal is a weight loss program that is created on the basis of your hormone type. It is a 12-week program that focuses on creating a hormonal balance in your body.

Metabolic Renewal workouts help in redefining your body shape. It has designed workout programs in such a way that women will be able to reap the benefits of female metabolic advantage.

Different women have different hormone types, and they can impact a women’s metabolic rhythm and well-being differently. For years these variations in hormones were viewed as weaknesses, but with the help of Metabolic Renewal, you can convert this so-called weakness into your strength. Metabolic Renewal enhances your body’s energy levels also.

Every woman has an innate superpower, and you will be able to unleash it once you know your hormone type. Your hormone signature shows how healthy you are. Your hormone type will change as you grow old or become more healthy.

Metabolic Renewal provides you with various tools like a female transformation tracker and the Metabolic Renewal quick start guide, which will help you to get acquainted with the program. It is a 12-week program where you can gain knowledge that will help you throughout your life.

The Metabolic Renewal Program not only focuses on your diet and exercise but also focuses on your mental aptitude. It uses a customized 4M framework to boost women’s metabolism.

Metabolic Function and Weight Loss - How Are They Related?

Metabolism is the process by which your cells use nutrients from food to produce energy. The rate at which you metabolize carbohydrates, proteins, and fats determine how much energy you have available to perform physical activities.

The more calories you take in, the faster your metabolism will be able to convert them into usable energy. If you are trying to lose weight, it is important to keep your metabolism high so that you can burn off excess calories quickly.

This means eating foods that contain healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats. These fats will slow down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream, keeping blood glucose levels steady throughout the day.

How Does Nutrition Correlate With Metabolism?

Your body uses three types of fuel: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Your brain, muscles, organs, and other tissues need all three kinds of fuel to function properly.

Carbohydrates provide the main source of energy for your brain, muscles, and nerves. They also give you quick bursts of energy when you exercise or do strenuous activity.

Protein provides the building blocks for muscle tissue and helps repair damaged cells. Protein is needed to build new cells and maintain existing ones.

Fat provides long-term energy storage. Fat stores energy in the form of triglycerides. When you eat fat, your digestive system breaks it down into free fatty acids and glycerol. Glycerol then travels through your bloodstream, where it is used immediately by your liver and kidneys to make glucose. This allows your body to store large amounts of energy without having to break down carbs or protein first.

When you eat too many simple sugars, they get stored as fat instead of being burned for energy. Simple sugars include white flour products such as bread, pasta, cookies, cakes, pies, pastries, crackers, and candy.

Simple sugars also include fruit juices, soft drinks, and sweetened breakfast cereals.

Fiber is another type of carbohydrate that does not raise blood sugar levels. Fiber slows digestion so that you feel full longer.

Fiber also helps control your appetite. Eating fiber may prevent you from overeating because you won’t feel hungry between meals.

If you want to lose weight, you should focus on consuming fewer calories than you consume each day. You can accomplish this by cutting back on calorie-dense foods and increasing your intake of low-calorie foods.

You can also increase your metabolic rate by exercising regularly. Exercise increases your heart rate and burns extra calories.

What is the 4M Framework?

Dr. Teta has designed a 4M Framework that helps women lose weight faster. He has been a personal trainer for more than 25 years and knows how the female body works. He has segregated female hormone types into 7 categories.

This 4 M framework has been designed to give your health benefits for a longer period of time. It not only deals with the physical aspect but also focuses on the mental aspect of your body.

The 4M program has been crafted in such a way that it strengthens your mind and body together.

Below are the 4 Ms mentioned in the order of their importance:


Once you have developed a positive mindset to achieve a particular goal then nothing can stop you from achieving it. When you are stressed, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is also known as a stress hormone. It makes you feel low and hampers the functioning of organs.

When you are upset, you end up eating more which results in weight gain. That is why resting, exercising, and recovering are very important, as it hampers the production of cortisol in your body, and you feel happier.


Most people take the help of exercise to lose weight. While exercising might be an effective way to lose weight, it might not be possible for everyone to do it because of their busy lifestyles.

There is another physical activity that can help you in your weight loss journey. It is known as simple movement or Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis.

Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis(NEAT) is a crucial part of female fat-burning metabolism and can burn up to 200% more calories than daily exercise.

NEAT movements help to reduce the effect of fat-making hormones. When you do a lot of movements, your body will require constant energy. To get constant energy, your body will burn the food you eat. There will be no accumulated fat in your body.

When you follow the Metabolic Renewal weight loss program, you don’t have to indulge in intense workouts. Instead, if you do a lot of movements which is also known as Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis, you will be able to achieve your weight loss goals.


Your body is a reflection of your eating habits. If you eat healthy food, then you will have a healthy body. Many weight loss programs try to control your eating habits to such an extent that you lose interest in such programs.

Metabolic Renewal does not stop you from eating your favorite food. It tells you to indulge in a low-carb diet. A low-carb diet helps you to lose weight easily. Metabolic Renewal also advises its users to limit processed foods that are high in sugar and carbs.

Metabolic Renewal teaches you to create your own diet in three easy steps.

First, you will discover food that could be easily absorbed by your body. Getting the right food is very important as it can help in healthy weight gain.

Second, you will learn how to eat at particular intervals so that your body is in constant fat-burning mode.

Third, you will get various delicious recipes and grocery lists that can help you achieve your weight loss goals.


The Metabolic Renewal program helps in fat loss by including several types of training. It includes resistance, fitness, and cardio training. The workouts are just for 15 minutes, 3 times a week, but you have to give your 100% within these 15 minutes to get maximum benefits.

The Metabolic Renewal program tries to improve your overall health by giving you exercise routines along with a customized healthy meal plan. It also helps to strengthen your mental aptitude and reduce the production of cortisol.

It helps to reduce cramps, cravings, and mood swings. It can make you feel more energetic and also improves your mental health.


What’s Included In Metabolic Renewal?

The Metabolic Renewal program has been formulated in such a way that the user derives maximum benefits from it. The program has comprehensively laid out various ways through which you can lose weight easily.

The Metabolic Renewal program checks your hormone type and then creates a diet and exercise plan accordingly. It gives you all the tools and knowledge which will help you throughout your life.

Metabolic Renewal program is a 12- week program that customizes the program as per female hormones, metabolism, and other requirements. The program has been drafted by Dr. Teta who has been a personal trainer for more than 25 years.

With the knowledge provided by the Metabolic Renewal program, you can enhance the fat loss mechanism of your body. The Metabolic Renewal diet plan is based on the hormone type of an individual.

When you buy the Metabolic Renewal 12-week metabolic plan, you will get the things mentioned below:

The 12-Week Body-Sculpting Workout Plan

Dr. Teta has crafted a 12-week body sculpting workout plan that focuses on the development of your overall body. It has been structured in 4 phases with different workouts.

The program follows the Goldilock rules. Not too much exercise to stress your muscles and not too little exercise that you don’t get any results. The programs work for those who are short on time and have bitter experiences with their previous workout programs.

Metabolic Renewal Roadmap

Dr. Jade Teta has included a Metabolic Renewal roadmap in the program. It helps a woman to be aware of her hormone type and also provides knowledge on how the hormones change as females grow.

Metabolic Roadmap is an e-book that is included in your purchase of the program that will help you fully understand how the Metabolic Renewal program works. Metabolic Roadmap teaches you how to adapt as your body changes.

When you adapt yourself to the requirements of your body, you will be able to unleash the full potential of your body. You will experience a better mood, healthy skin, and improved energy.

12-Week Metabolic Meal Plans

Once you have understood your hormone type Metabolic Renewal program provides you with meal plans that can help you lose weight faster. A Metabolic Renewal diet includes various meal plans to enhance your body’s fat-burning mechanism.

Getting a proper meal after exercising is of paramount importance. The 12-week metabolic meals help to improve your energy and reduce your hunger cravings.

The 12-week metabolic meals have been specifically designed for women keeping in mind their different hormone types.

The 12-week metabolic meal plan contains the following things:

Delicious Recipe

When you follow a weight loss program, you are bound to face some restrictions in your diet. Metabolic Renewal provides you with customized meal plans that will suit your hormone type. Metabolic Renewal has easy-to-make custom recipes that will support your unique hormone type.

Metabolic Renewal also urges its users to reduce the intake of food items that are high in sugar or carbs. You should refrain from taking too much sweet tea, soda, or energy drinks with added sugars. The program also provides you with tools like a transformation tracker.

The transformation tracker helps you track mood metabolism score, vitality score, PMS score, and body weight and shape.

Shopping Lists

The Metabolic Renewal program also provides you with a shopping list. It tells you what vegetables and fruits you should eat that will complement the workout routine you are following.

The list mentions all the things required to cook a delicious meal that will help you in your weight loss journey.

Weekly Meal Plans

Metabolic Renewal provides you with customized meals as per your hormone type. It tells you what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. It doesn’t stop you from eating your favorite meals.

Unlike the keto diet, where you have to follow a strict diet and avoid baked goods, salty snacks, and high-carb food, Metabolic Renewal provides you with various meal plan that are delicious and healthy.

Customization Plans

The Metabolic Renewal weight loss program does not follow the one size fits all approach. It creates different plans as per the requirement of different women. This plan has detailed customization instructions for your hormone type to get faster results.

Female Transformation tracker

Female undergoes a lot of hormonal change throughout their life. Female hormones and metabolism constantly react with the world around them and keep on changing. To keep track of things that are changing in and around the body can help you deduce the reason behind these changes.

The female transformation tracker helps to track everything from the health of your hair and nails to menopause or the PMS system.

Metabolic Score

The metabolic score tracked by the female transformation tracker helps to understand the metabolic rate of a female. If you have a high metabolic rate, you will be able to lose weight easily and achieve your ideal body shape.

An increase in your metabolism suggests that the program is working for you, and you will be able to burn fat easily. When you burn fat efficiently, your body gets more energy, and you can effortlessly complete your work.

An enhanced metabolism also helps to reduce your anxiety and stress which lets you sleep peacefully. When you follow Metabolic Renewal properly, you can see an improvement in your score.

Vitality Score

The female transformation tracker also helps to track your vitality score. Your vitality score is a reflection of your overall health. It measures your skin and hair health, lungs, and heart health. You will be surprised to see how easily you can lose weight when you follow Metabolic Renewal.

PMS Score

PMS score helps to measure premenstrual symptoms like cravings, and mood swings. Many women saw an improvement in their menstrual cycle after following Metabolic Renewal. It helped several women get their periods regularly.

The Metabolic diet program has been designed in such a way that the meals under this diet plan provide enough nutrition to your body.

Menopause Score

Menopause Score helps to measure the severity of menopausal symptoms like sweating and hot flashes. Metabolic Renewal tries to inculcate good, healthy lifestyle habits so that you don’t have to undergo the severity of menopause symptoms.

Body Shape And Weight

The female transformation tracker helps to track your body shape and weight. Many women are very conscious of their body weight. They keep looking for supplements that will help them lose weight easily.

Metabolic Renewal helps to provide you with a healthy diet and exercise program along with a female transformation tracker and some e-books that can help you to achieve weight loss easily.

Special Bonus

Metabolic Renewal offers special bonuses when you order today. These bonuses will aid in weight loss and help to improve your mood.

5-Minute Body-Sculpting Burnouts

Apart from providing a 15-minute workout session Metabolic Renewal exercise program also gives you an extra 5 minutes of body sculpting burnouts. If you are someone who likes to do intense workouts, then you can follow this extra 5-minute workout routine.

You can use resistance bands to train your core. This 5-minute routine is perfect for someone who wants to get into the perfect shape faster.

The 5-Step Female Flat Belly Formula

Metabolic Renewal also offers a free 5-step female flat belly formula. Fats generally start accumulating around the belly region. These fats spew toxic fatty acids and may harm your heart and liver.

5-Step Female Flat Belly Formula is a special report created by Dr. Teta. Inside the report, he mentioned his findings and revealed how you could effectively lose weight.

Inside the report, you will find 5 simple steps that can be followed by anyone to reduce belly fat. You will also know about the belly fat multiplying hormone that must be kept under control.

Dr. Teta has also discussed why going an extremely “low-carb” diet can actually increase belly fat and may lead to weight regain. Metabolic Renewal can be taken by women taking birth control or HTR.

Scientific Evidence Behind Metabolic Renewal

Most of the research in the health industry is done keeping in mind the male body. Several clinical trials and fitness studies throughout history have been conducted on exclusively male participants. This was the standard till 1994.

You will be shocked to read that the US national institute of health only began requiring women in clinical trials in 1994. Most of the research published till now did not fully account for the differences between males and females. They adopted the one size fits all approach.

There are several new findings that suggest that women’s body works very differently from their male counterparts. In the findings, it was shown that women have a huge metabolic advantage over men.

In one of the findings, it was shown that women burn 65% more fat than men. As per the finding, when men exercise, they tend to burn more sugar than fat, whereas when women work out, they burn less sugar and more fat.

If you know how to work out and what you should eat, you will be surprised to see how easily you can improve your overall health.

In 2014 a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that women generate 93% more HGH than men. HGH is a hormone that helps to burn fat naturally.

After extensive research, it was found that Metabolic Renewal workouts burn almost 10X more fat. If you follow a super efficient, intelligent workout, then chances are that you will be able to improve your flexibility by 147%.

Where Can You Buy Metabolic Renewal?

Metabolic Renewal can be purchased from the official website only. The Metabolic Renewal website helps you identify your hormone type and gives you a glimpse of what is there in the Metabolic Renewal program.

Metabolic Renewal Program helps you in losing weight easily. It is a mixture of short, intelligent workouts and a proper diet that helps you tone your body.

What Is The Cost Of Metabolic Renewal?

Metabolic Renewal’s entire program is online. It has a Facebook group as well, which tries to bring people from across the world who have benefitted from this product. As a part of this community, you can share your transformation journey and inspire others.

Metabolic Renewal helps you in losing weight easily. It is one of the few programs that has been designed by an expert trainer. To get multiple benefits of Metabolic Renewal, you have to pay a one-time fee of $37.

Customer Reviews Of Metabolic Renewal

There are several Metabolic Renewal Reviews on the official website. Many women have tried the Metabolic Renewal program and have given their feedback. One person in her Metabolic Renewal Review has this to say: Before Metabolic Renewal, I felt like I wasn’t in my own body anymore. I felt heavy and sluggish and not like myself. I had low self–worth and was weak–very weak. And now, I feel like myself again. I really do. And I am so grateful. My moods are stable. I really feel strong, and I can get energy throughout the day. I have energy. And then I feel confident to keep going. Now when I look in the mirror, I see the me that I remember. And I’m so happy…And I feel really sexy… And, oh, God, it feels so good!

Heidi R, 53

Another female has this to say in her Metabolic Renewal Review “My body is getting back to the way it was before the baby!”

To new moms, I would say that this program is really the right approach to making the shift back to get you looking like the “you” from before. But a more healthy version of that body. And you can do this 15-minute workout when the baby takes a nap… this is something that fits very comfortably into the life of a mom.

As per this Metabolic Renewal Review, being fit does not have an age; she wrote this in her testimony: Thanks to Metabolic Renewal, it’s become very clear to me that fit does not have an age limit. When I look in the mirror now, I see my shape back to what it was 10 or 15 years ago. I took my sweater off in an event, and the fellow sitting next to me said, “Oh, I see the gun show in town.”

Metabolic Renewal has helped women transform into superwomen. It helps to increase the confidence in women and enables them to live life being comfortable with their bodies.

Is There A Money-Back Guarantee?

The Metabolic Renewal program has been designed by Dr. Teta who is an expert trainer. He has done a lot of research on how hormones can affect the overall well-being of a female.

Dr. Teta has crafted his program around his knowledge of different hormone types. As we know that different females have different hormone types there are chances that the program designed by Dr. Teta might not work on some females.

You may return any product, except supplements, purchased from the site within 90 days of purchase for a full refund. Supplements may be returned within 30 days for a full refund.

What Causes Weight Gain?

There are many factors that can cause you to gain weight. Some people eat too much while others don’t get enough exercise or sleep. But what causes your body to store more fat than it should?

The answer lies in your hormones. When you’re overweight, your hormone balance changes. This can lead to insulin resistance, which means your cells aren’t able to use glucose properly. Glucose is the main source of energy for all living things. Your brain uses glucose to function, so if your cells can’t use it properly, they’ll start storing extra calories instead.

Your body will also produce less leptin, a hormone that tells your brain when you’ve had enough food. Leptin helps regulate appetite and metabolism. So when you have low levels of leptin, you tend to overeat.

Now let us look at some other reasons for weight gain:

Lifestyle Choices:

If you choose to watch TV instead of exercising, you’ll be eating more calories. If you spend time playing video games, you may not realize how many calories you consume. You could easily end up consuming more calories than you expend by just sitting around.

The biggest factor contributing to obesity is lifestyle factors. These include eating habits, physical activity levels, sleep patterns, stress management, and other health-related behaviors.

Eating Habits – Eating too much or not enough can lead to weight gain. Some people eat more than they need, while others eat less than what their bodies require.

Physical Activity Level – If you are inactive, your body will store excess calories as fat. However, if you exercise regularly, it helps burn off those extra calories.

Sleep Patterns – Lack of sleep causes your body to release cortisol which makes you crave sugary foods and carbohydrates. This leads to weight gain.

Stress Management – Stress affects our hormones and neurotransmitters. When we are stressed, our body releases adrenaline which increases hunger.

Other Health Related Behaviors – Smoking, drinking alcohol, and drug use all affect how our body processes nutrients. They also cause us to be hungrier.


When you feel stressed, your cortisol level rises. Cortisol is a stress hormone that increases hunger and decreases metabolism.

When you feel stressed, your body releases cortisol into your bloodstream. Cortisol is a stress hormone that’s produced by your adrenal glands. The problem is that cortisol doesn’t just affect your body; it affects your brain as well.

Cortisol makes you crave high-calorie foods like sugar and carbs because it stimulates hunger. And since your body needs fuel to deal with stress, it turns to stored fats first.

So how do you stop this cycle from happening again? You need to learn how to manage stress. Stress management techniques include meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and other relaxation methods.

If you want to lose weight, you need to make sure you’re eating healthy, nutritious meals every day. That way, your body won’t be forced to turn to its stores of fat.

Sleep Deprivation:

Not getting enough sleep can make you crave foods high in sugar and carbohydrates. Lack of sleep also makes you tired and cranky, which leads to poor decision-making.

The average person needs about seven hours of sleep per night. But if you are not getting enough sleep, your body will be forced to use stored energy instead of burning calories. This can lead to weight gain because it causes your body to hold onto excess fat.

If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, try taking melatonin before bedtime. Melatonin helps regulate your circadian rhythm and promotes restful sleep.


Women who take birth control pills often experience weight gain because their bodies become resistant to the effects of estrogen. Estrogen plays an important role in regulating appetite and metabolism.

The hormone insulin plays an important role in regulating blood sugar levels. Insulin also helps control how much energy your cells use. When you eat carbohydrates or sugars, they are broken down into glucose molecules that enter the bloodstream. Glucose then travels through the bloodstream until it reaches the liver, where it is stored as glycogen. Glycogen is used by the muscles when needed for energy. The more glycogen stores you have, the longer you can go without eating before needing to refuel.

When you consume too many carbs, your pancreas releases insulin to move the glucose from the bloodstream into the cells so it can be stored as glycogen. This process is called gluconeogenesis.

Gluconeogenesis occurs at night while we sleep. During this time, our bodies don’t need any extra fuel because we aren’t active. However, if we wake up during the night and start moving around, our bodies will begin producing insulin to move the glucose into the muscle cells for immediate energy. If we continue to exercise after waking up, our bodies will produce more insulin to keep us fueled.


As women go through menopause, their estrogen levels drop. As a result, their bodies stop producing leptin, which leads to increased appetite and decreased metabolism.

The first thing you need to know about menopause is that it doesn’t happen all at once. Menopause actually starts when your ovaries stop producing eggs. This can occur naturally after age 40 or artificially through surgery or radiation treatments.

Menopause symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, sleep problems, and more. These symptoms are often worse during perimenopause, which occurs before menopause begins.


Some medications can cause weight gain. For example, antidepressants like Prozac and Zoloft can increase appetite. Antihistamines such as Benadryl can cause weight gain due to water retention. Birth control pills can cause weight gain because they contain synthetic estrogens.

Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight Faster While Working With Metabolic Renewal:


The blueberry diet plan is actually pretty simple: eat lots of fresh or frozen blueberries every day. You can also add them to smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, salads, and more. The berries are high in fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, which all contribute to their health benefits.

Blueberries contain anthocyanins, which have antioxidant properties. They may also increase your metabolic rate by increasing thermogenesis, which means they speed up your body’s natural ability to break down stored fats.

They’re also good for your heart because they decrease blood pressure and inflammation. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that eating just two cups of blueberries per week lowered systolic blood pressure by 4 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 2 mm Hg.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and B6. It contains citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, and oxalic acid. Citric acid helps to increase your metabolic rate, while malic acid increases muscle energy. Oxalic acid helps to break down fats. Tartaric acid helps to dissolve minerals like calcium and magnesium.


This fruit is loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamins, and nutrients that promote heart health and fight inflammation. Avocados contain about 75% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin K, plus they’re packed with fiber, protein, and other essential nutrients. They’re also a good source of lutein, a carotenoid that protects eyesight by preventing macular degeneration.


Cranberries have long been used to treat urinary tract infections because of their antibacterial properties. But new research shows that cranberries may also be able to prevent weight gain. Cranberries contain a compound called proanthocyanidins, which may play a role in regulating blood sugar and insulin response.

Green Tea

Green tea comes from the leaves of Camellia sinensis plants grown in China and Japan. Green tea is known to provide numerous health benefits, including weight loss. A study published in Nutrition Journal showed that participants who drank green tea lost significantly more weight than those who didn’t drink it. And another study published in Obesity Research found that obese women who consumed green tea experienced improved lipid profiles and reduced waist circumference.


Curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric, has been shown to support weight loss. In fact, researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine discovered that curcumin boosts your ability to metabolize carbohydrates, resulting in faster-burning calories. Plus, according to a study conducted at Louisiana State University, people who supplemented their diets with turmeric had less abdominal fat after just eight weeks.


Ginger has been used for centuries to treat nausea, motion sickness, indigestion, and diarrhea. Recent scientific evidence suggests ginger may also speed up your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight. Ginger contains volatile oils that give it its flavor and smell. These oils activate certain receptors in your brain and stomach, helping you feel full between meals.


Dark chocolate has many health benefits, including lowering bad LDL cholesterol and improving cardiovascular function. Chocolate also contains flavonoids, antioxidants that protect against cell damage and may help to maintain cognitive function. One small study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating dark chocolate could lead to modest weight loss. Another study published in Physiology & Behavior found that eating one square (about 1 ounce) of high-quality dark chocolate can boost calorie burn by 20 percent.

Fish Oil

Omega 3 fatty acids are great for your body, but not all fish oil supplements are created equal. Fish oil sold as “cold water” or “marine” origin is considered superior due to its higher concentration of omega-3s. Other factors include purity, dosage size, and whether or not the supplement was extracted using CO2 rather than solvents.


Salmon is an excellent source of protein and healthy fats, both of which promote weight loss. According to a study published in Nutrients, salmon consumption led to increased resting metabolic rate and energy expenditure among overweight adults. Eating salmon twice per week helped these men and women achieve better overall results when trying to shed pounds.


If you’re looking to get some extra caffeine into your system, try adding a shot of espresso or two cups of strong coffee to your morning routine. A study published in Appetite found that consuming either caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee resulted in similar levels of satiety. However, drinking too much coffee can actually hinder weight loss efforts since it stimulates hunger hormones like ghrelin.


This fruit has long been good for your heart thanks to its monounsaturated fat content. But avocados have also been linked to quick weight loss. According to research from Tufts University, participants who ate half a fresh avocado with lunch reported feeling more satisfied than those who skipped the guac. And unlike other fruits, avocados don’t contain any fructose—the type of sugar that can increase belly fat and cause weight gain.


According to a study in the journal Cell Metabolism, almonds may be able to prevent insulin resistance by reducing inflammation and increasing antioxidant intake. Almond butter is also rich in magnesium, which helps regulate blood pressure and reduce stress hormone production.

Final Verdict- Is Metabolic Renewal Worth It?

Metabolic Renewal is the first hormone focussed body change program specially designed for women. The program has been designed in such a way that it provides you with all the essential tools and knowledge that are required to live a healthy life.

You can start seeing the result within 48 hours of following this program. You can feel an improvement in your mood and energy levels. The diet program in Metabolic Renewal helps you turn back the clock in time and feel youthful energy and vitality.
