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Saanich can’t afford EDPA bylaw

The Diamond Head Report covered most aspects of the Environmental Development Permit Area (EDPA) bylaw but certain important issues were omitted. Having lived in Saanich for 50 years, I have never encountered such a divisive bylaw, or other issue, which has generated such extensive distrust, angst, anger, outrage, fear and hatred directed against staff and councillors.

The Diamond Head Report covered most aspects of the Environmental Development Permit Area (EDPA) bylaw but certain important issues were omitted. Having lived in Saanich for 50 years, I have never encountered such a divisive bylaw, or other issue, which has generated such extensive distrust, angst, anger, outrage, fear and hatred directed against staff and councillors.

The current form of the EDPA is a jumble of botanical hopes and development oversight. The two should have been better separated. The former now seems to represent reckless environmentalism on wispy evidence, trumping the generally accepted and legitimate expectations of 2,200 households. The shabby drawing of the mapping lines exposes hurried incompetence. No boots on the ground evidence was gathered just self-serving guesswork.

The Diamond Head report cost $50,000.00 for the taxpayer, but interestingly it does not clarify who should pay for the implementation of the bylaw, property value impairment, restrictive owner’s use and running costs. The true costs of the project, necessary in any scientific experiment, were never assessed nor shared with those afflicted nor the voters of Saanich, all of whom are financially exposed to varying degrees. The Rollo report says: “Municipal staff rarely perceive or concede negative economic effects.” The same appears true of council. Failure to disclose the financial implications of a new bylaw to the voters represents irresponsibility at all levels of municipal administration.

As this is a communal issue such costs and restrictions should be shared by the entire community, not four per cent of homesteads. The expense of this punitive bylaw, born by the few, is morally unacceptable.

All scientific experiments require a set duration of time to establish a result. None was declared. We have lived on our property for 45 years clearing invasive species as recently documented by an accredited biologist. The experiment of chance regrowth of native species has been done on our property and many similar large formal gardens on 10 Mile Point, and other areas for over 100 years and the results are in, there are no surviving endangered species. It is time to stop and transfer the dream to Chatham, Discovery and Jemmy Jones Islands and appropriate portions of Saanich public parks.

In addition to the Diamond Head report’s concerns, the present form of the EDPA is ill conceived with two disjointed components: one based on flimsy science and the other treating long developed properties exactly the same as undeveloped properties. Try this on the grassed areas of the Vancouver waterfront. The issues are identical. The bylaw is brutally coercive, fundamentally unjust and has become a catastrophe for the respect of our municipality. Council appears to have been swamped by a single interest clique at their cost and the cost of the communality of Saanich.

Michael A. Ross
