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Kids can spend morning as Saanich mayor with top holiday card design

Deadline is Nov. 27 for Saanich kids in kindergarten to Grade 5 to enter

An opportunity to be Saanich mayor for a morning is up for grabs in what could be a very colourful competition.

Young artists in Saanich are once again invited to share their designs for a District of Saanich holiday card.

“Last year’s submissions were snow creative, showcasing some pretty amazing local talent. I gotta sleigh, I am tree-mendously excited to see what types of designs come forward in this year’s contest,” Saanich Mayor Dean Murdock said in a cheeky news release. “My message to the kids is this: Believe in your (s)elf and present your best work – yule never know what you can achieve unless you try. Good luck to all entrants.”

Last year the district received 70 entries and Grade 4 student Charlotte from Saanich was chosen.

This year, the winner gets to go behind the scenes at municipal hall. The selected artist gets to learn the ropes with Murdock as well as meet firefighters, police officers and municipal staff. A parent or caregiver is also required to attend.

The winner also receives drop-in passes for Saanich recreation centres, a signed holiday card from the mayor and keepsake holiday cards.

The contest is open to Saanich students in kindergarten through Grade 5.

Submissions must be scanned at 300 dpi, include the artist's name and grade, and emailed to by Nov. 27.

Mayor and council’s holiday card will feature the winner’s design, as well as their name and grade. The winning design will also be featured in holiday social media posts for the District of Saanich.

The winner will be notified by email and announced on social media in December.

About the Author: Saanich News Staff

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