Saanich parks are frequently filled with dogs and their walkers – odds are good that dog is called Charlie, Charlea or Charley and it’s most likely black or white.
The district requires all dogs over the age of four months be licensed, allowing it to track information on pups. Whichever spelling, Charlie’s the top name of dogs registered in the district at 104, according to 2024 numbers. Bella, Bella Marie and other versions of Isabella edge out second at 86, with Fin, Finlay and Finley slipping into third at 84 pups. Bailey, Baillie, Baily finish fourth at 51.
Saanich surprisingly also tracks colour of the critters registered for annual licences with black or black mix leading the pack at 2,847. White dogs aren’t far behind at 2,674. Likely described by the owners registering them, brown (1,280), tan (1,153) and gold (469) round out the list.
The most popular dog in the district far and away is the Lab or Lab-cross with 1,210 registered in Saanich. Australian shepherds come in at 348, just edging out the collie at 347. Shihtzu rounds out the top four at 216.
In 2023, the municipality began issuing permanent tags to owners, with renewal required annually and expiry on Dec. 31. Those who register or renew before Feb. 1 get a $5 discount. Owners of unlicensed dogs can be fined up to $200.
Residents can register or renew online at