Forty enthusiastic volunteers removed non-native plants and loads of debris from the banks of Bowker Creek behind Cedar Hill Recreation Centre on Saturday, Oct. 25 as part of an ongoing effort to ensure the long-term health of the creek, which had become choked with invasive blackberry, ivy and garbage, according to volunteers. The clean-up effort included planting of over 100 native fern, dogwood and salmon berry shrubs supplied by Saanich Parks and Jim Moores.
This was the biggest clean-up event so far in 2014 as a result of a combined effort by the Friends of Cedar Hill Park, Saanich Park’s Pulling Together Program and the Greater Victoria Green Team, part of Green Teams of Canada, a B.C. Charity. The park maintenance team at Cedar Hill composted the huge piles of organic material and disposing of debris. The next major clean-up of Bowker Creek will be in spring 2015. Friends of Cedar Hill Park will continue to remove invasive species on the west side of the creek as part of their weekly activities throughout the park.
For more information or to get on the volunteer list, contact:
Friends of Cedar Hill Park (
Saanich Parks Pulling Together Program at 250-475- 5541 or by email:
Greater Victoria Green Team (