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Coast Capital boosts Island Health mental health app

BoosterBuddy designed to support youth dealing with mental health issues

Coast Capital Savings is donating $112,950 to the Victoria Hospitals Foundation for the continued maintenance and improvement of BoosterBuddy, Canada’s first gamified mobile app for youth dealing with mental health challenges.

Designed by Island Health clinicians, app company Robots & Pencils, and a team of youth with personal mental health experience, BoosterBuddy has been downloaded more than 5,400 times since its September 2014 launch.

The app provides a fun and engaging way for youth to self-manage their mental health by completing daily tasks that promote positive behaviour.

“One in five young people experience mental health challenges, but youth can be difficult to reach through conventional services,” said Lauren Fox, Island Health Clinical Lead for BoosterBuddy. “With Coast Capital’s support, we can continue working with our fantastic youth design team to make improvements that will help this app reach and engage with even more young people.”

See for more information.