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The 21-Day Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release Review - Real Results?

Most experts agree that it takes 21 days for a healthy habit to become fully ingrained in a person’s everyday life. This is presumably true for anything, but we’ve heard it most often in reference to weight loss. So, were you among those who heeded the advice and attempted to instill healthy habits only to abandon them soon after? If the answer is yes, this is a common outcome for many people.

Most experts agree that it takes 21 days for a healthy habit to become fully ingrained in a person’s everyday life. This is presumably true for anything, but we’ve heard it most often in reference to weight loss. So, were you among those who heeded the advice and attempted to instill healthy habits only to abandon them soon after? If the answer is yes, this is a common outcome for many people.

Weight loss, in the opinion of internationally recognized healer Jennifer McLean, is not as straightforward as setting up an exercise regimen and food schedule. People can hire a nutritionist and a personal trainer to do the guesswork for them, but a sizable portion of this process requires action and making sure the body is receptive to what is being asked of it. The expert maintains how there are some body channels that need to be activated and others needing deactivation in situations where people are fully dedicated but still do not see results.

The effect of opening energy channels for what Jennifer refers to as “weight release” initially baffled our editorial team, but it is intriguing, especially in light of the fact that weight management considers a number of individual differences. Jennifer asserts that she could assist by first instructing self-healing to help folks get started in the right direction. Wondering what this adventure entails? Look no further; here’s a thorough examination of the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release program.

What is the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release?

The Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release is a 21-day audio journey that teaches people how to free their bodies from emotional weight. Jennifer McLean, the facilitator, believes that emotional weight could interfere with our metabolism, preventing us from achieving our weight loss goals. Through this hands-on course, people may learn about the life-changing potential of energy medicine healing in promoting hormonal balance, amygdala, and hypothalamus healing, and reducing the impact of cravings, binge eating, and weight gain on their general health. Now, let’s go over the strategy behind these daily audio recordings so that people fully understand how to use them.

How does the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release work?

A series of pre-recorded transformation sessions, sound vibration healings, and other well-known energy medicine tools will be available to users for 21 days. These tools are thought to activate beneficial genes in the body while deactivating the harmful ones. Moreover, these very tools are believed to turn the switch on for our hormones, neurological pathways, and general. In fact, any hiccups in even one of the latter three factors could make losing weight difficult.

Jennifer asserts that in order to address unconscious beliefs, the endocrine system, and neuronal chemistry, people must learn to access the neural physiology of the brain. She mentions about a hormone in the body called leptin in connection to weight loss. Specifically, the hypothalamus and leptin are known to operate together to regulate fat storage and to promote satiety. Interestingly, it is those who have abnormally low leptin levels or a malfunctioning hypothalamus that experience the worst weight loss journey.

The 21-day Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release is said to correct the aforementioned imbalance by:

  • Shifting repressed emotions from past traumas
  • Releasing cellular memory, gene dysfunction and childhood upsets
  • Assisting with the identification and release of limiting thoughts that affect one’s energy flow and general well-being
  • Using coping skills to survive while maintaining energy flow for a strong immune system

It’s time to reveal the specifics of this audio journey now that people understand the overall goal and process of the 21-day Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the intention of the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release?

The key message from this program is that it concentrates on many facets of the neural physiology of the brain. People will have a deeper awareness of their irrational ideas as a result, which will aid to trigger the release of fat that has been held onto by particular hormones in the endocrine system.

How long is the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release?

The Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release is a 21-day program.

What will the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release introduce me to?

Individuals will become familiar with a number of weight-release strategies throughout the course of the 21-day journey. These include sound vibration healings, attunements, spontaneous transformation, and various other energy medicine techniques. Together, these tools are assumed to prioritize the healthy genes while turning off the bad ones, which is a crucial step, in Jennifer’s opinion.

What effects may I expect from the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release?

This program is generally meant for those seeking emotional clearing, deep cleansing, and healing. In addition to helping people change their behaviors, attitudes, and emotions to lose weight, this program also teaches people how to manage stress and keep good nutrition rather than focusing on fad diets and deprivation. Usually, people associate losing weight with diet and exercise; however, the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release method is all about the mindset at its heart, which naturally creates the favorable decision-making environment.

Does each audio session also come with a downloaded copy of the transcript?

Yes, the transcript for studying pre-recorded sessions will be available with the purchase of the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release.

When will I receive the complete Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release program?

The program’s materials will be sent to each person via email in an hour after your payment has been confirmed. People are urged to keep a look out for, as this is the email through which communications will be established. Jennifer and her team will check in with everyone through email multiple times throughout the 21 days to make sure everything is progressing as planned.

Is the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release protected by a money-back guarantee?

Yes, the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release has been protected by a 15-day money-back guarantee. Therefore, people who feel that Jennifer’s approach to weight loss doesn’t align with their own, her team must be notified of a refund within 15 days from the date of purchase. For more information on the refund policy, specifically, the eligibility requirements, we urge everyone to consult the customer service team at

What is included in the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release?

In terms of what the 21 days will comprise, individuals can anticipate access to:

Tool #1. Spontaneous Transformation Technique

The Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT) encourages people to use coping mechanisms to foster healing while addressing fundamental issues and beliefs. This approach is used in the context of weight release to change our neurology. Above all else, STT is intended to reset our set-point and to establish a new energy and vibrational matrix for optimum release. The set-point is a weight that, no matter how much weight is lost, the body is programmed to return to. Jennifer, on the other hand, argues that combining STT with sound vibration and other tools will lower the set-point for rapid weight loss.

Tool #2. Shining the Light of Consciousness

It is believed that “Shining the Light of Consciousness” is a potent method that enables people to bring about true awakening in their own lives. People will reportedly be able to change their identified, old behaviors into new ones during the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release, and all it takes is this powerful energetic happening.

Tool #3. Heal-A-Thon for Weight Loss

Jennifer has included a lengthy 3-hour pre-recorded session so that everyone can gain insightful experiences once the 21 days are over. She made it clear that the new part “puts the exclamation mark of transformation on this amazing program.”

Bonus #1. Your Start Point, Day Before Day 1 of 21: The Physiology of the Fat Brain Barrier

An expert in energy medicine, Keri Fulmore, will discuss the neural physiology of the set points for metabolism and weight in the first bonus. This is considered essential to comprehending what precisely each person will be working toward during the next 21 days.

Bonus #2. The Anatomy of Hunger & Cravings

The second bonus session, which is pre-recorded like all other sessions, will go more deeply into the causes of cravings and irregular food cravings. In fact, individuals will have the chance to put Keri’s advice to the test, making this session a potentially eye-opening one.

Bonus #3. Sound Vibration Healing

Since sound vibration healing is Jennifer’s primary area of expertise, she had to include it in the third bonus. As put by the expert, individuals will not only form new interactions throughout this course, but they will also “grow stronger through the new patterns [that] are strengthened through potent and sacred sound healing.”

Other equally important tools/resources included in the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release program include:

  • Vibrational medicine to expedite and anchor new behaviors, emotions, and thought patterns
  • Shamanic experiences that can lead to dramatic transformations by generating new neural pathways
  • Special Reiki attunement initiations for waking up dormant energy pathways connected to our metabolism
  • Transcripts that can be downloaded to improve the learning experience

How much the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release cost?

The total value of the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release program, including the bonus sessions, is $557. The same high-quality program was once retailed for $297, but today, it can be accessible for as little as $47, which is a great deal for anyone looking to get started right away.

Meet Jennifer McLean

As an internationally renowned healer, author, speaker, edge pusher, or catalyst for revolutionary change, Jennifer McLean has already worn many hats. Millions of individuals have received her wisdom to date, allowing them to be freed from the anxieties, obstacles, and outdated beliefs that are preventing them from developing. In fact, she has demonstrated to her pupils how to swap out the aforementioned for higher degrees of harmony, development, health, wholeness, and abundance.

The Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT), the basis for the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release, has been praised for its contribution to the field of energy medicine. This system is viewed as a comprehensive approach to self-healing that enables people to feel positive change in their life within 7 to 15 minutes of implementing it. Honestly, this technique has been demonstrated to assist individuals in recognizing and igniting their innate healing knowledge. Identifying and correcting the main issue is the only way to heal, right? The latter practically serves as a summary of STT!

Her shamanic-like journeys, in addition to STT, have been described as having the ability to transport people to a unique vibration possibility that encourages strength building, clarity, and power. The same is said to be true of her skill in crafting soulful songs with high pitch vibrations, the awakening quality of her reiki-like healing attunements, and her general style of sacred prayer delivery.

Regarding her mission, it simply goes as follows:

“To be a conduit and amplifier for encouraging and empowering transformational shifts in perception, increasing global consciousness and igniting the inner light of all, creating peace on the planet.”

Final Verdict

In the end, the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release is a 21-day weight loss plan with a primary goal of educating people about the value of self-healing. This is why Jennifer emphasizes the neurophysiology of the brain so much because it enables people to recognize old ideas and methods of thinking that are impeding their ability to grow personally. Individuals will have the opportunity to rid themselves of negativity and bad genes by listening to each audio session for a total of 21 days, while also triggering revitalized thinking, positivity, good genes, and our endocrine system (i.e., a system responsible for hormonal balance).

Considering everything, this method does not advocate rapid weight loss after the first 21 days. Instead, it makes use of the concept of forming a healthy habit in just 21 days, with each day committed to strengthening the mind and opening up energy pathways to support weight loss. Short-term motivation will accomplish the bare minimum, and individuals who choose to break excellent habits after achieving a specific goal will also achieve the bare minimum. The Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release, in the opinion of our editorial team, is a better starting point for long-term improvement than any fad diet. It also doesn’t hurt to know that a professional who has already assisted millions of people is behind such an extensive program. For more information on the Neuro-Metabolic Reset for Weight Release, visit here>>>.
