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A clash of fantasies

Reader takes Tom Fletcher to task for criticizing the BCTF for wanting to achieve “Utopian public school conditions”

Tom Fletcher rails (once more) against the BCTF for wanting to achieve “Utopian public school conditions” (Feb. 15 Saanich News). Yet he, in his fervour to see his libertarian fantasy become the ideal in this society, cannot (or will not) see the irony presented here.

And the rest of his opinion piece merely serves to reinforce his notion of the libertarian “ideal” where the less fortunate starve in the streets, or go to work camps, while the government (yes, there actually is government in the libertarian world) continues to subsidize businesses that would otherwise fail, such as private schools, and paying out double, if not more, the estimates for construction of bridges and whatnot.

Very convenient, Mr. Fletcher, and especially so as you cannot be held to defend your prattle.

Richard Weatherill

