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A simple solution to teachers’ issues

Letter to the editor regarding the teachers union demands, pension investment and Alberta bitumen

I thought the teachers union was acting responsibly when they picketed government offices. The government is actually their employer.

I have a solution: China and the United States intend to make billions from refining Alberta bitumen. If the teachers took their union funds and pension investments and invested them into expanding the Chevron oil refinery in Burnaby, they could make the same billions.

When they have enough to fund education they will no longer need the government to throttle their demands or a union to speak for them. They would be self-employed. Elected officials are also self-employed; without accountability. If this scenario was acted upon it would have far reaching implications.

There would be no environmentally destructive pipelines. No oil tankers on the B.C. coast and massive, long lasting, job creation.

For every problem there is a solution.

Kerry Steinemann
