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As Queen goes, so goes Royal Family

Queen Elizabeth's 60-plus years on the throne likely insurmountable duration

Re: Queen’s reign offers stability (Our View, June 8)

In the public’s emotional mind, 60-plus years on the throne will have inextricably identified the British monarchy with its (possibly) longest-serving Queen, having set the Royal bar to virtually unattainable heights for even the “Wills and Kates” of the succession order.

For the people – and they’ll always be the ones that count – the Queen has become the monarchy and the monarchy has become the Queen.

Ironically, the Queen’s uniquely personal success may well prove a harbinger of the Crown’s eventual constitutional demise. Once she’s gone, the falling “republican” dominos of the Commonwealth countries may well hasten Britain’s process of rethinking its constitutional foundations.

Indeed, that process has already started with a debate on an elected House of Lords.

What must not happen is for the monarchy simply, over time, to become the victim of popular indifference.

Edward Bopp
