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Church ‘irrelevancy’ is actually a failure in human compassion

Re: Are irrelevant religious teachings causing a growing crisis of faith (Letters, Oct. 17)

Re: Are irrelevant religious teachings causing a growing crisis of faith (Letters, Oct. 17)

Jim Skinner does well to question the cause of declining church attendance and participation, a swing happening not just locally, but throughout the Western world.

I disagree with his ponderings, however. The prevalence of major relational dysfunction including loneliness, abortion, abuse, human trafficking, and the increasing gap between rich and poor indicates a continued need for Jesus’ teachings to “Love your neighbour as yourself” and “Do to others what you would have them do to you.”

It is not irrelevancy that is to blame for diminishing local church attendance but our failure as selfish beings to put this love into our hearts, into our mouths, and into action.

Mark deLeeuw
