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Climate inspires heated debate

Tom Fletcher column on 'Polluting the climate change debate' misses the mark

I’m not sure if it’s that Tom Fletcher “inspires” debate or that his perspective meets this paper’s context of good journalism.

In regard to “polluting the climate change debate” this includes a full paragraph devoted to DiCaprio hypocrisy (not a basis for rational debate), a slant on China’s poisonous particulate infused atmosphere (called global dimming and ironically a global cooling mechanism). Finally, a list of sound bite-inspired quotations bolstered by reference to a former Georgia Tech chair and current professor who has voiced concern over true chicken little interpretations of climate science on a couple of occasions (no climate scientists closer to home for you, Tom?).

The religious war on fossil fuels is driven by the wedge of inequality ratcheted up every day by the likes of energy giants and their hedge fund cronies. On this wet-behind-the-ears west coast, $1.5 billion of taxpayer funding largely subsidizing an arguably $6 billion project (pause for tears to subside) makes Tom’s worn-out old NDP Fast Cat jokes seem like a joke in themselves.

Ryan Gisler
