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First Nations needs to look at its leaders

Re: Idle No More stokes the fire (Our View, Jan. 30)

Re: Idle No More stokes the fire (Our View, Jan. 30)

In reading your editorial regarding the Idle No More movement, I can’t help but wonder if the omissions say more than the inclusions.

The most glaring omission is the lack of reference to Theresa Spence and her influence in the process.

I think the First Nations peoples have got the short end of the stick over the years but having her on side is more detrimental to their cause than they would hope for.

She has constantly moved the goal posts and then refused to follow through on her demands, leaving it to others to do.

I think it was a smoke screen to take the heat off the audit of Attawapiskat.

First Nations people should have a serious look at the way Theresa Spence lives compared to the way her “subjects” live. If that is typical of all First Nations in this country, the native people have more of a problem with their “upper class” chiefs than with the government.

Jim Anderson
