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LETTER: Chemicals taking toll on human health

Alone in Canada we are using 250,000 different chemicals and we have not the slightest idea how they affect our health. Why do we have so many children with autism, grown ups with Alzheimer’s and dementia, people who suffer from depression, Asperger’s, cancer and numerous other diseases which not have been around in such numbers before?

Alone in Canada we are using 250,000 different chemicals and we have not the slightest idea how they affect our health. Why do we have so many children with autism, grown ups with Alzheimer’s and dementia, people who suffer from depression, Asperger’s, cancer and numerous other diseases which not have been around in such numbers before?

Obviously our brain and body reacts to chemicals and we are practically forced to ingest, inhale or through touch being confronted with them daily. The explanation about living longer and therefore developing those diseases are a smoke screen. Autism, which is becoming more and more prevalent, starts at a very young age and cannot be explained away.

Even living “healthy” will not save one as clothes and many products are coated with chemicals. Where are the experts to make a lot of noise? Have they given up because we are at the point of no return? Do we have to wait until mankind has been degraded to more and more conditions until we arrive at prehistoric times and live in the trees again?

We are pointing fingers at the Third World and their plastic pollution while the invisible pollution marches on to the well being of corporations and their ruthless and immoral task to invent another chemical to fill their pockets.

Karin Hertel
