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LETTER: Flu vaccine not effective

Assuming flu vaccine to be 100 per cent safe and effective would be a grievous error which is scientifically proven based on an impartial review by the Cochrane group entitled “Vaccines to prevent influenza in healthy adults”. Their key results indicated that “71 people would need vaccination to prevent one case of influenza. Vaccination shows no appreciable effect on working days lost or hospitalization.

Assuming flu vaccine to be 100 per cent safe and effective would be a grievous error which is scientifically proven based on an impartial review by the Cochrane group entitled “Vaccines to prevent influenza in healthy adults”. Their key results indicated that “71 people would need vaccination to prevent one case of influenza. Vaccination shows no appreciable effect on working days lost or hospitalization.” The insert to FLULAVAL actually admits: “there have been no controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL.”

At the beginning of every flu season, the pharmaceutical companies brag about how well matched the strains in the vaccine are to this year’s flu variants, but inevitably by the middle of the season, they’re making lame excuses as to what went wrong. Hilariously, this year they had to admit that effectiveness was down around 10 per cent, which considering the fact that the normal symptoms associated with receiving the vaccine are the very same symptoms associated with the flu itself, you’ve essentially increased your probability of acquiring the flu to 100 per cent. These symptoms are likely the result of adverse reactions to various adjuvants. Research in the Journal of Virology found that the seasonal flu vaccine may weaken children’s immune systems and increase their chances of getting sick from influenza viruses not included in the vaccine.

The fact is that viruses will mutate in the wild, so the best defence is one already given to you by nature: a fully functioning immune system capable of adapting to a wide range of threats. And to maintain this amazing and highly capable system, all that is required is adequate sleep, hygiene and nutrition. But none of those will enrich those with interests in the vaccine business, so you won’t see the most effective approach presented to you in the media. Instead you will be inundated with trumped up warnings about deaths to scare you into getting something with no scientifically proven benefit injected into you that is just as likely to cause that which you’re trying to avoid, or far, far worse side effects than the flu itself.

I would love to hear an explanation from “pro-vaxxers” why the “vaccine court” in the U.S. has paid out $3.7 billion in damages to vaccine victims (many from flu vaccine) since 1988 if vaccines are so wonderfully safe. For the sake of your health: caveat emptor!

Hugh Hinskens
