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Letter goes over the top

I still believe sports can teach children that behaviour that’s OK on the pitch is not OK anywhere else

Granted, the writer of the letter ‘Give inappropriate message the boot’ (Aug. 7 Saanich News) has a point, just not much of one. And granted, the hope that all violent impulses can be sublimated through competitive sports is a false one.

I still believe sports can teach children that behaviour that’s OK on the pitch is not OK anywhere else. Having said that, all soccer players know that if their kick goes anywhere other than the ball (i.e., at a she or a he, rather than an it) there is a risk of penalty that could cost their team the game.

Perhaps a less “over-the-top” response would be to make it clear that a T-shirt with “if it moves, kick it” printed on it is meant to be put on at soccer practice, and at no other time. I still believe one of the virtuous habits sports can instill in athletes (and even wannabes) is some self control.

Christina J. Nicol

