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Letter: Is anyone accountable for spyware?

Re: No indication of incompetence in spyware fiasco: councillors, News (April 3)

Re: No indication of incompetence in spyware fiasco: councillors, News (April 3)

I am sure I am not the only one appalled at the lack of public support and contrition from Saanich councillors towards their mayor following the release of the B.C. Privacy Commissioner’s damming report.

Comments from councillors have been misleading, inaccurate and reflect an extraordinary lack of ethics and moral decency. The calls for resignations in my opinion are justified and if some councillors continue to defend the indefensible and refuse to do the right thing, then perhaps while waiting until they get voted out at the next municipal election they need to read A Handbook for Municipal Councils (Lorena Staples QC 2008).It says:

“In addition to having integrity and intelligence, a Councillor must be guided by these key features of good local governance (all equally important): placing the community’s interests ahead of one’s own; pride in the reputation of the municipal corporation; behaving ethically and fairly; awareness of the legal limitations of local government; placing importance on current and relevant policy making; respect for municipal staff and the administrative role of staff; being a good steward of the municipality’s assets; fair and effective bylaw administration and enforcement; respect for the public; abiding by provincial and federal laws affecting local government.”

Christina Mitchell
