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LETTER: Victoria cycling curbs an accident waiting to happen

In response to the letter to the editor by Steven Hickton from Saanich. Thank you for writing, Steven. First of all, I am saddened to hear of your horrific accident of Sept. 27. How painful to hear of your injuries.
(Black Press Media file photo)

In response to the letter to the editor by Steven Hickton from Saanich. Thank you for writing, Steven. 

First of all, I am saddened to hear of your horrific accident of Sept. 27. How painful to hear of your injuries. My reason for writing is along the same lines of your thought process, of why on earth are Victoria and Saanich spending untold millions of dollars on cement barricades, signage, traffic light adjustments, etc. when quite simply acknowledging the bike lane with a painted line and signage has done us well for how many years.

I find it an atrocity that this has been allowed to go on for so long – that the people of Victoria, Saanich and possibly other municipalities are not putting a stop to this. It's time for new governing bodies to remove these deadly and very costly cement monstrosities because it is nothing more than pure insanity.

This craziness has taken hold since Victoria's previous administration of former mayor Lisa Helps. Please citizens speak up, as this injured biker has. He has seen how insane this truly is. Thank you, Steven, I wish you only the best recovery and hope you will soon be back on your bike.

A. Cooper


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