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LETTER: Victoria's raked leaves left blowing in the wind

The city should stop the practice of leaf collection and encourage residents to let the leaves lie where they fall
(Black Press Media file photo)

What is this culture of leaf blowing here in Victoria?  When we first came here, I had to shake my head and laugh at the many gardeners blowing the leaves off the lawns only to have the wind come along and blow them back on.

If the leaf blower is gas-powered, it emits more air pollution than a high-performance pickup truck. The electric ones create so much noise pollution. The city should stop the practice of leaf collection and encourage residents to let the leaves lie where they fall as this protects insects that bury underneath during the winter and also adds some nutrients to the soil if they are mulched rather than picked up.

Our obsession with pristine, green lawns is interfering with nature’s way for providing protection, warmth, and nutrients. Leave them be!

Heather Jenkins


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