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Nothing embarrassing about Celine Dion

Re: Looking toward greener grass (Offside and Offbeat, Sept. 7)

Re: Looking toward greener grass (Offside and Offbeat, Sept. 7)

Daniel Palmer writes about a number of celebrities including Celine Dion and repeats the tired old mantra that she is an “embarrassing cultural export.”

What exactly is embarrassing about a world renowned entertainer who fills theatres night after night, who lives an exemplary life, has been honoured by countless church and government dignitaries and who possesses an incredible capacity to delight and inspire millions of fans?

Having witnessed first hand her absolute magnetism as a performer I utterly refute his derogatory remarks.

She’s a world-class act in every way and the cheap shots don’t diminish her accomplishments in the least.

Alixe Wallis
