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Park home to varied wildlife

Cuthbert Holmes Park is home to the Colquitz River and a unique wild coho salmon run

I find the letter ‘Objection comes too late’ quite infuriating. I wonder why you allow ‘opinion’ to be expressed in these pages so often over ‘informed opinion’?

Saanich Parks continues to work with dog owners with regards to being sensitive to the various wildlife, and while some dog owners could do better, the majority of them have most certainly not ‘chased away the wildlife.’

Cuthbert Holmes Park is home to the Colquitz River and a unique wild coho salmon run (hundreds return each year, often over 1,000 do).  The river is also home to cutthroat trout, herring, sculpin, sun fish, cray fish, otters and seals, to name a few. A few years ago the park was home to one of the largest blue heron colonies in B.C.  The park is also home to eagles, hawks, owls, swans, ducks and many many other species of water fowl.  Then there are the many valued plant and tree species that help to make up and protect this watershed.

The writer seems to use his poorly formed ‘opinion’ to justify destroying this park. Unbelievable.  If some are all too happy to see four acres of this parkland destroyed, and much more deeply affected by the presence of this cloverleaf, then let them at least respect that this is home to real, living and breathing creatures that deserve our respect and protection. Please, do not publish such outright lies.

Scott Karpes
