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Park usage will only increase

I feel all the public has a right to appropriate access to the Glendenning entrance

The ‘Baby Boomer’ park users will continue to increase over the coming years as many of us are approaching retirement age.  In addition, it seems a reasonable assumption that, together with the increasing number of young families within Gordon Head and surrounding districts, usage of Mount Douglas Park will intensify, including the Glendenning entrance.

As all our roads are public, not private property, I feel all the public has a right to appropriate access to the Glendenning entrance. We have the right to more parking space and certainly a road improvement for safety of all who use the entrance.  This includes cyclists, people who walk on the road, horses, dog walkers, people with medical and or mobility issues, aged pets, as well as families with babies or young children. There are currently three areas where cars need to pull off the side of this road to allow an approaching car to drive between large trees on both sides of the road.

I remain hopeful that a well-planned improvement will be initiated, not just a Band-Aid solution that does not address this important issue. Mt. Douglas Park, with a size of 188 hectares, is centrally located and must be accessible to all.  It is inappropriate that a few people living on Glendenning Road insist that no changes be made to improve the safety to this park entrance and are attempting to curtail the many park users who have been using this entrance for years.

Joanne Taylor
