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Science editorial skates on thin ice

Your editorial Friday (Walking on thin ice, Sept. 14) plumbed new depths of global warming hysteria.


Your editorial Friday (Walking on thin ice, Sept. 14) plumbed new depths of global warming hysteria.

The Arctic is back in 1920s and 30s territory. The Antarctic, where most of the world’s sea ice is located, has its 13th highest ice area ever measured.

And the rest of your editorial is just as inaccurate. Take a look at actual sea level rise – it’s virtually nonexistent. The drought in the U.S. this year was less severe than droughts in the 1980s, much less the 1930s, and largely offset by a wet, cold summer in Northern Europe.

CO2 is certainly a greenhouse gas and increased concentrations are likely to raise global temperature, but not by much. The models which suggest otherwise are filled with uncertainty, data issues and the absence of actual observation; they cannot form a sound basis for anything but a wait-and-see attitude.

To formulate policy based on science as immature and uncertain as “climate science” is a recipe for getting it wrong.

Jay Currie

Oak Bay