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Sewage treatment plans are our white elephant

Re: Millions spent, but still no word on sewage treatment (News, May 18)

Re: Millions spent, but still no word on sewage treatment (News, May 18)

It remains a mystery to many taxpayers how our politicians can ignore the opinions of marine scientists, health officers and engineers, who have publicly challenged the need for sewage treatment of our south shore effluent, and continue to spend millions of tax dollars on a project that has no justification whatsoever.

These leaders/lemmings have repeatedly (and sometimes deliberately) misrepresented the findings and recommendations of the two studies that led to the decision to treat our south shore effluent (which is 99.97 per cent water) and they have refused to conduct any study of the benefits that this massive waste of public funds will allegedly provide.

If this project will actually improve the environmental, social, and/or economic aspects of the offshore outfall system we have been using for decades, then let’s hear about it. The truth is that no such study has been done, and for good reason – there are no such benefits. Our current system is extremely efficient and almost perfect.

Take a good look in the mirror to see who’s actually going to pay for this gigantic white elephant, then demand an explanation. You and your neighbours won’t enjoy the permanent tax increase that’s coming.

Bob Wheaton
