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Suzuki fails at tying science and religion

Letter to the editor regarding David Suzuki's ability to debate his views, and accept the other side's point of view

Re: Religious right rejection of science (David Suzuki, March 30)

David Suzuki manages to be wrong about just about everything these days.

First of all, his comment is a thinly-veiled attack on religion. Suzuki claims that the victims of his bluster “put their misguided beliefs above rational thought.” Yet Mr. Suzuki has, time and time again, refused to debate his views, or the science, and lambasts or attacks any evidence or opinions to the contrary. Sounds like he’s the one without rationale.

He also complains that about the U.S. State of Tennessee allowing teachers to challenge existing theories on global warming. Yet this is exactly what science is about. Challenging existing theories. If Suzuki had been born centuries ago, would he have advocated the execution of Galileo?

Suzuki has even gone so far as advocating the jailing of dissenting politicians. Does this sound like someone who knows his science, or someone who is just attempting to shout down all opposition as loud as he can?

In the end, it’s Suzuki, and not the religious right, who is “anti-science.”

James Felton
