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Bill C-30 shows Tories’ hypocrisy

We’re all for protecting children from Internet predators but that doesn’t mean we can’t also be seriously opposed to Bill C-30.

Schoolyard bullying still too common

Bullying happens every 7.5 minutes on Canadian playgrounds. I’ve experienced it both as the bully and the bullied.

Government’s electronic surveillance laws misguided

There are many problems with this online spying legislation.

Heartsick over demolition of Victoria’s iconic Blue Bridge

We have been smooth-talked into believing the rebuilding and replacement of the bridge is necessary.

Warrantless surveillance vs. hard-won liberties

I do not want to see Canada moving in the direction of Communist China.

Rhetoric over bill opponents dirty politics

I am writing to express my disapproval and outrage at the Lawful Access act.

Fascist dictators shouldn’t rule our country

Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart has repeatedly voiced her concerns about online spying

Lawful Access bill derails the rights of citizens

Are we living in a country where a warrantless range of options by the government has the ability to invade our private lives?

Government should listen to message of missing-women march

Memorial marchers ask us to remember the missing women. But Canadians need to do is work to stop the cycle of violence.

Businesses must be kept in loop

One group of stakeholders was left out of consultations in the pending closure of Craigflower Bridge.