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Our View: Celebrating labour’s contribution to B.C.

There is a history to this long weekend that has been lost for many people in this generation. The first weekend of September is more than just the last chance to enjoy a little free time in the summer. And there’s definitely more to Labour Day than a final chance to hit the mall for another back to school sale.

Many memorials show Canada’s love for late NDP leader

Jack Layton

Teachers have kids in mind during bargaining

B.C. Teacher bargaining, schools, students

Layton’s Toronto activism stands out to letter-writer

Jack Layton

Third choice needed in B.C. politics

Carole James, NDP, BC Liberals, two-party system, politics

Erin McCracken: Learning to drive all over again

Boxes. Blockers. 360s. Huh? Slightly panicked, I’m brainstorming a number of last-minute reasons why what I’m about to do isn’t necessary. Call it nerves.

Foghorns serve an important purpose

Foghorns lighthouses Coast Guard navigation

Our View: Tax policy rejection portends election

Let’s face it, the HST referendum and debate wasn’t really over an unpopular tax. People didn’t vote to get rid of it because they loved the PST-GST combination, much less preferred the way it was administered.

GUEST COLUMN: Urban politicians understand rural lifestyle

Gordon O'Connor of the Dogwood Initiative shares his thoughts on the Juan de Fuca lands scenario
‘People’s victory’ means pain ahead

‘People’s victory’ means pain ahead

NDP leader Adrian Dix couldn’t contain his glee at the result of the harmonized sales tax referendum. Bill Vander Zalm is thrilled too, still apparently unaware that he has taken money away from the poor and given it back to his fellow wealthy B.C. residents.