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Help is on the line: Misguided calls don't frazzle Saanich 911 call-taker

Help is on the line: Misguided calls don't frazzle Saanich 911 call-taker

South Island chicken complaint misses 911 Top 10 list of worst non-emergency calls
'Hazardous' search among reasons for myriad Oak Bay Sea Rescue awards

'Hazardous' search among reasons for myriad Oak Bay Sea Rescue awards

8 volunteers with Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue in Oak Bay earn annual awards
Sidney's rising star: Visitors can vote to name aquarium's latest octopus

Sidney's rising star: Visitors can vote to name aquarium's latest octopus

Sea stars crowned Salish Sea Idol, used to name new cephalopod
Bollards back on the CRD trails agenda in early 2025

Bollards back on the CRD trails agenda in early 2025

Bollards under the scope during ongoing trails upgrades
Esquimalt teen philanthropist backs Oak Bay boy's bid for pediatric trial hub

Esquimalt teen philanthropist backs Oak Bay boy's bid for pediatric trial hub

Teen Felix Townsin supports Oak Bay youth Simon Hoskins in children's clinical trial hub
Ducks top the birds spotted during stormy annual Victoria bird count

Ducks top the birds spotted during stormy annual Victoria bird count

8,174 mallards counted during the annual Christmas event
Juan de Fuca searchers dedicate 12,500 hours in training, tasking in 2024

Juan de Fuca searchers dedicate 12,500 hours in training, tasking in 2024

40 volunteers tackle 40 callouts over the year, including covering 3rd most popular trail in B.C.
Fairy Lake leaf hoodoos draw world's gaze to Port Renfrew

Fairy Lake leaf hoodoos draw world's gaze to Port Renfrew

The 'medieval cityscape for beetles and millipedes' images inspire 250,000 views
Oak Bay kid turns on the charm for clinical trials hub at BC Children's

Oak Bay kid turns on the charm for clinical trials hub at BC Children's

'Children are 15 to 20 per cent of our population ... but they’re 100 per cent of our future'
UPDATE: 1 taken to hospital after early morning stabbing in Victoria

UPDATE: 1 taken to hospital after early morning stabbing in Victoria

Christ Church Cathedral side entrance behind tape as police investigate