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30th Anniversary: Saanich home to Island printing press

Saanich-based printing facility publishes newspapers from across the South Island
Coun. Fred Haynes and pressman Darrel Fouracres
Pressman Darrel Fouracres explains the workings of the press to Saanich Coun. Fred Haynes at the Black Press production facility on Enterprise Crescent.

What many people reading the Saanich News might not realize is that since 1989 the Goldstream Press has operated out of Enterprise Crescent in Saanich.

It may have retained the Goldstream name, but for 27 years the press has printed the Saanich News, Oak Bay News, Victoria News, Sooke News Mirror and Peninsula News Review each twice a week in Saanich. The monthly Monday Magazine and weekly Real Estate Victoria products come from there too.

It also printed the Esquimalt News when it existed, and currently prints the Cowichan Valley Citizen, said Wendy Denison, who’s been at the press for 26 years.

“We employ 42 staff, some who’ve been here more than 30 years,” Denison said. “Saanich and other Island municipalities use us to print their recreation and living guides, it’s a lot of business.”

Lesser known publications also come through the press: the Nanaimo magazine, Voyager, the Island Catholic News, the Diocese Messenger, the Fairfield Gonzales Observer and a variety of flyers.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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