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City Green teams with Saanich to offer free, low-flow shower heads

Energy-conscious Saanichites can now trade in shower heads for low-flow versions, free of charge.City Green Solutions, a non-profit group that promotes energy efficiency, has partnered with Fortis BC (formerly known as Terasen Gas) and the District of Saanich to replace regular shower heads with more efficient models.

The project is called Tap by Tap energy and water saving fixture exchange.

"That means if you live in Saanich, you are going to be able to go to Saanich (municipal) hall and bring in your old shower head and pick up a new, free low-flow shower head," said Peter Sundberg, executive director of City Green.Saanich residents equipped with a utility account number for the source of their water heating may exchange their shower heads for one of the 600 high-efficiency fixtures available at the hall while supplies last.Shower heads are one of two partnerships between Saanich and City Green. When homeowners apply for a building permit, the municipality pays for a one-hour consultation with City Green staff on ways to increase the energy efficiency of their new house or renovation.“Once the home is built, it’s much more challenging," Sundberg said.

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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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