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Oak Bay gardeners hold out hope for bumper crop of raspberries

How did your garden grow this year? Share your best photos by emailing

During a late summer watering of her lush garden patch off Monteith Avenue, Susan Hawkins reminisces about all the youngsters who came through the plots this summer.

Purple peas were a popular treat for day-campers and others that trotted the pathways and learned a little from the gardeners at work, she said. Cherry tomatoes were a close second.

While there was some worry early on with a lingering wet spring, the Oak Bay gardeners were abundantly rewarded, and continue to pick tomatoes and hold out hope a growing bumper crop of raspberries will ripen.

The 26 plots adjacent to Bowker Creek are available to Oak Bay residents for a fee but are also in high demand. Call the Oak Bay parks department at 250-592-7275 to get on a waitlist.

How did your garden grow this year? Share your best photos by emailing

READ ALSO: Oak Bay gardener spends decades cultivating, improving daddy’s beans


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Christine van Reeuwyk

About the Author: Christine van Reeuwyk

Longtime journalist with the Greater Victoria news team.
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