Saanich’s four incumbent councillors say they look forward to working with four fresh new faces, whom voters elected Saturday.
“The new composition of [council] is more reflective of our community’s age diversity in Saanich,” said Coun. Colin Plant, in reference to incoming councillors Rebecca Mersereau, Ned Taylor, Nathalie Chambers and Zac de Vries.
Mersereau, Taylor and de Vries self-identify as Millennials.
“I had an opportunity to get to know the new councillors during the campaign and we share an enthusiasm for working on the issues that were [highlighted],” said Coun. Susan Brice. “Can’t wait to get started.”
RELATED: Saanich voters send Haynes to mayor’s office, reject political slate
Coun. Judy Brownoff said she is “optimistic” about the new council. “Voters are always right and they have created a nice mix on Saanich [council] with new members and also experienced members.”
Karen Harper said Saturday that she had mixed feelings about the outcome of the election, alluding to the fact that she was the only member of the United for Saanich slate to be elected.
Mayor Richard Atwell, as well as non-incumbent councillor candidates Ian Jessop, Cory Montgomery, and Kathleen Burton were not top of mind for voters.
The new council will have a whole new set of personalities, Harper said. “I’ll get to know them [the new councillors] much better over the next period of time and I hope we can move forward.”