Sahaj Cheema, 13, waited for six hours in his Saanich backyard for a hummingbird to appear so that he could snap the perfect photo.
His dad, Manjinder Cheema, said he has always encouraged his children to appreciate the beauty of nature using multi-media art.
Manjinder grew up in an agricultural part of India where he was close to nature, plants, insects, and animals.
“I wanted to teach them to praise the beauty of every animal, the trees, and everything that belongs to nature – now they are always eager to take out the camera when they see something beautiful.”
Manjinder encourages fellow residents to create ecosystems in their own backyards and to contribute to the betterment of nature however they can.
“I have planted 10 trees since I bought my house and I plan to plant at least one thing every year,” he said. “When you plant and add to nature you attract birds and other life to you – bringing you peace of mind and providing food for the animals, birds, and insects.”
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