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VIDEO: Wildlife detectors tested on B.C. highway

Radar and thermal imaging cameras pick up elk and deer on roadways, triggering flashing warning signs
Radar and thermal imaging cameras detect large animals approaching the road

A pilot program in the Kootenays is testing roadside wildlife detectors to prevent collisions by warning drivers of approaching large animals.

Large animals approaching the roadway at two locations on Highway 3 will trigger flashing warning signs for drivers. The systems are set up near Elko and Sparwood, areas identified as having high populations of elk and deer.

The transportation ministry estimates that one in 25 crashes in B.C. is a wildlife collision. It has has used fencing, underpasses and overpasses as well as static signs to avoid collisions on high-risk sections of highway.

The electronic signs use radar and thermal cameras to detect animals, and software developed in B.C.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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