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Canada needs to focus on protecting Canadians’ liberties

We have been so concerned with the liberties of others that we are forgetting the importance of our own

Re: the editorial Canada must continue to promote tolerance.

France and The United States are only “struggling” with how to deal with other cultures as a result of being way too tolerant in the first place. In many Muslim countries the concept of tolerance does not exist.

I believe love is the ultimate answer to any moral question. The caveat is human nature, however. Human beings are ruled by selfishness, fear, and a need to have a semblance of control. The reason France and the U.S. have been targets of terrorism is that they are where there is a  multitude of these foreigners. Wake up Canada; have some national pride. Let’s protect this beautiful country to which immigrants like my parents and I came.

Yes, I am a foreigner. English is not my first tongue. I, however, have adapted. I embrace this place and these wonderful people as my home and family. The only reason police are telling those women what to wear is because they have not figured out they are not in Kansas anymore. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. The police are not dictating anything. Simply, they are affirming their nation’s own culture, and, might I add, in a civilized, gentle way to a culture who shows no tolerance for even their own.

We need to stand together folks, or our children and grandchildren will all be burka-clad, beaten, unworthy housewives with no voice in our beautiful homeland. Does anybody draw the line from beginning to end or is the immigration decision an emotional one?

I have kids. I am well aware life is not fair. I know there are many families out there who are caught up in the middle of ISIS who want nothing to do with killing anyone. I want to help them as well. My duty is first to my country. Keep our borders safe, so that our children will inherit a home. Those Muslim girls who describe their dreams on the news and conclude with an aside of “if I live long enough to go to college” make me deeply sad. I do not want that for Canada.

We have been so concerned with the liberties of others that we are forgetting the importance of our own. Worse yet, we are dishonouring those who gave their lives for those freedoms. It is not wrong to protect and care for our nation. It is one thing to bring people who want to be Canadian to Canada; it is entirely wrong to bring their war to a peaceful, civilized nation. People are tired of socialist irresponsibilities. Socialism is fine, until it is time to deal with the consequences. We are at that point.

Canada is a free nation. People like Donald Trump are trying to keep it that way.

Timea Eszaros
