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Grateful for delay of EDPA

Saanich's Environmental Development Permit Area bylaw has fundamental problems

Thank you Coun. Colin Plant and those who voted with you for some advance against EDPA tyranny, by delaying full implementation.

I don’t expect a proper technical review of the EDPA law will be achieved in the near future, because there are fundamental conflicts of interest in how it was arranged.

Earlier I asked the usual four councillors individual questions as to what they would do in examples of misrepresentation and foot-dragging in their personal lives, as parallels to what the EDPA is based on and the behaviour of Saanich staff. No response, but obviously they are still true believers in the scam.

The EDPA is based on definition of species by political boundaries instead of essentials of their life, callous cheapness inanalysis, evasion of that by staff, and hypocrisy in exempting the results of tribal farming from its blocking of human activity. (The Garry oak meadows worshiped by the anti-human councillors were created by tribal people, who used fire to fell trees and suppress competing ones, to increase populations of camas lilies and deer they harvested for food and clothing. Saanich staff embrace biased organizations that do things like claim a seasonal puddle is part of a Garry oak ecosystem.

Why do the four councillors and Saanich staff do that? Because they have a negative view of humans as uncreative and destructive, evading evidence all around them. Why do they have that view and act on it? Voters should consider that in the short time leading up to the next municipal elections.

Keith Sketchley
