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LETTER: Fibre-optic cable a better option than 5G

Everyone wants faster access to the internet. Recent events have shown us how important dependable, high-speed internet is.
(Black press file photo)

Everyone wants faster access to the internet. Recent events have shown us how important dependable, high-speed internet is.

The telecoms are promising a brand new, untested wireless technology, 5G, and are laying the groundwork for the grid in the larger centres. As scientists and experts from around the world warn about associated risks to both health and privacy, people are becoming concerned, and rightly so.

Fibre-optic cable wired into the home is a better option than another layer of wireless to provide internet access. Fibre-optic cable provides far faster service (up to 20 times faster), can handle more data, does not emit radiation, and is far more protective of personal information. In addition wired internet uses far less energy than does wireless.

Some communities in B.C. like Denman, Hornby, and Salt Spring islands and the Slocan Valley already are exploring how to create such a fibre network. Note: This is different from what Telus is advertising as PureFibre because the last step into the home is in fact wireless.

Concerns raised by individuals are going unheard by industry and the government agencies responsible for protecting us, and 5G continues being rolled out. Consequently, on May 14 two dozen organizations from across Canada launched a unified urgent appeal to the federal government to suspend the 5G rollout until it is proven to be safe and to invest in fibre optics.

The appeal can be read at Individuals are invited to ensure their concerns are heard by signing the appeal at

Sherry Ridout


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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