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LETTER: Microcell network brings concern

Do you want a cellular transmitter on a utility pole, mere feet from your home? You have no choice, as the Canadian government is allowing telecoms to install these transmitters – called microcells – on existing structures everywhere, without your input or consent. Some of you already have them. They are gray and about the size of a laptop; many along Cadboro Bay Road close to the United Church.

Do you want a cellular transmitter on a utility pole, mere feet from your home? You have no choice, as the Canadian government is allowing telecoms to install these transmitters – called microcells – on existing structures everywhere, without your input or consent. Some of you already have them. They are gray and about the size of a laptop; many along Cadboro Bay Road close to the United Church. Esthetics, property values, industry control-for-profit over the public right-of-way, cyber-security, safety and most importantly health are many reasons to be concerned about microcells.

This microcell network is paving the way for 5G – untested frequencies which science shows affect all living organisms at a cellular level. Once in place, we, along with our already compromised wildlife and environment, will be constantly bombarded.

Did you know that the federal Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development has recommended major changes to the Environmental Protection Act? Recommendation 62 calls for Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada to conduct studies on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on biota and review the adequacy of the current guidelines provided in Safety Code 6.

It is crucial you tell your local government to support the resolution on the table at this month’s Union of BC Municipalities’ convention, which demands we have a say in microcell placement. For a template letter to send local representatives visit:

Sherry Ridout


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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