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LETTERS: Immunizations fend off epidemic

Imagine needlessly losing your child or grandchild to a completely preventable disease. Sound far-fetched? Not for millions of parents around the world who still lack access to immunization for their children.

Imagine needlessly losing your child or grandchild to a completely preventable disease. Sound far-fetched? Not for millions of parents around the world who still lack access to immunization for their children.

Did you know that polio is 99.99 per cent eradicated and that 80 per cent of the world’s population live in regions certified as polio-free? This is an amazing accomplishment, yet as long as that tiny percentage of cases of polio is allowed to fall through the cracks, we are at risk of another polio epidemic.

Women are disproportionately affected as they are primary caretakers caring for ill children and parents. Let’s remind the Canadian government that improving vaccine coverage and ensuring that 19.4 million more children are reached with vaccines is at the core of empowerment and equality of women and girls, a cause that should be near and dear to the current federal government’s heart.

Connie Lebeau
