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Road changes bring problems

Reducing traffic to two lanes on Shelbourne makes getting out of driveway an adventure

This is in response to Ray Travers' letter in the Aug. 17 edition. Obviously, he must not live on Shelbourne.

I live on the part between Feltham and Kenmore, and it’s a horror show.  It takes forever to get out of my driveway now that there’s only one lane each way, and I am truly afraid of getting  rear-ended when slowing down to turn in to my driveway.

Before, traffic could go around me, but not now. If I’m on my motorcycle, I’m into the bicycle lane just before I turn so this doesn’t happen. All I have to worry about is hitting the tumbleweeds that are blowing down the rarely used bicycle lanes.

You always are talking about “win-win” situations in your letter.  The only win-wins I see are for people who like to park all day on certain parts of the road (none in front of my place, by the way) and bicyclists.

There is no centre turn lane you speak of, and the corner of Feltham and Shelbourne is worse than before.  If someone wants to turn left onto Feltham from Shelbourne going north it totally screws up the traffic as the curb lane basically ends.

Oh yeah, when the buses stop, they stop all traffic. Brilliant. The only good thing that came out of this is the (yet to be put in service)  pedestrian operated crosswalk.  Now, if Saanich would just give me a remote so I could operate it so I may get out of my driveway, things may be a little more tolerable.

Kevin Puddy
