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AIDS Walk for Life on Thursday

Organizers hope this year's walk will see huge support from community

United Way sets $6 million fundraising target

Non-profit supports nearly 70 organizations that deliver social programs to Capital Region

Saanich fire department hosts annual open house

Join the men and women who risk their lives entering burning buildings and learn about the job at the Saanich Fire Department

Music prodigies vie for prized instruments

Saanich brothers compete in Toronto for million-dollar violins

Free talk by VanCity chief executive

Tamara Vrooman, president and CEO of Vancouver City Savings Credit Union, will give a talk on Sept. 18 at UVic
World’s greatest flag game

World’s greatest flag game

An estimated 1,000 people participated in the event. At the end of the day, the blue team won over the yellow team.

Easter Seals boat festival raises $24,000

The event took place at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club with about 200 people participating

Run for the Cure seeks volunteers

The largest single-day, volunteer-led event in support of breast cancer in Canada is set to take place later this month

Light the Night aids cancer fight

The event takes place Sept. 22 at the University of Victoria
White canes a welcome gift for sight-impaired children

White canes a welcome gift for sight-impaired children

Victoria White Cane Society provides canes to school-aged children, an expense not covered by health plans