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Photo: Tai Chi keeps seniors limber

Photo: Tai Chi keeps seniors limber

Located in Cadboro Bay, Goward House is operated by a non-profit society and offers a variety of activities for adults

New course brings braille to people with sight

Public invited to learn two-hundred-year-old reading system
Sweeping Uplands Park clean

Sweeping Uplands Park clean

Broom Bash event to control invasive species in Oak Bay's Uplands Park returns for 17th year
Japanese culture celebrated in Esquimalt

Japanese culture celebrated in Esquimalt

Family event showcases arts, music, martial arts at Esquimalt Recreation Centre

Car share co-op celebrates 15 years

To celebrate Victoria Car Share offering free one-year memberships

'Mr. Chinatown' presents historical chart nationally, locally

Saanich resident David Lai draws on his lifetime of studies on Chinese immigration and settlement in Canada to produce special chart

Ghost hunters come out for Halloween

Victoria historian John Adams hosts tours this month
Retired pumper on its way south

Retired pumper on its way south

Fire truck too old to serve Oak Bay, but not Nicaragua
Clean-up crew

Clean-up crew

Tracy Taylor cleans the sink and counter in one of the new art studios at the Arts Centre at Cedar Hill.

Website honours Alex Campbell's memory

The B.C. Cancer Foundation is accepting donations in honour of Thrifty Foods co-founder