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Green tech networking at UVic

Get the low-down on electric cars, energy consumption monitoring and shipboard waste management technologies
Going strong after a century

Going strong after a century

Saanich centenarian George Spence belongs to a group of seniors who regularly work out at Gordon Head Recreation Centre.

Victoria's Highland Games promise a variety of entertainment options

Annual competition growing into world-class cultural, as well as athletic event

Victoria's 150 festival guide now available

Residents, visitors can access various versions of guide
On the run in Oak Bay Half Marathon

On the run in Oak Bay Half Marathon

Money raised at this year’s event will help support the Help Fill a Dream Foundation.

Military vehicles roll in at Heritage Acres, vintage style

Central Saanich's Heritage Acres puts old military vehicles and equipment on display

Vancouver Island cyclists spreading tanker warning

Cyclists bring B.C.'s coastline protection message to legislature

Civil liberties group speaks on police accountability

Victoria panel discussion set for this Saturday night

Designer garage sale in Vic West helps cancer fundraiser

Home and commercial reno fixtures, etc. on sale this Saturday

Victoria neighbourhoods hosting celebrations Saturday

Blanshard and Vic West communities having a party this weekend