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Traffic slowed on Pat Bay Highway after vehicle collision

Traffic slowed on Pat Bay Highway after vehicle collision

The collision happened shortly before 11 a.m.
Unmoored and unmanaged: Derelict boats continue to pollute Peninsula waters

Unmoored and unmanaged: Derelict boats continue to pollute Peninsula waters

Local advocates describe the problem as 'frustrating'; MLA is pushing for changes to the law
Sessions set to warn residents of more coming work on Victoria streets

Sessions set to warn residents of more coming work on Victoria streets

More construction coming for Blanshard, Cook streets
Saanich building ravaged by fire could begin to rise again by summer

Saanich building ravaged by fire could begin to rise again by summer

Blaze reduced nearly complete Quadra Street building to rubble in November
Advances in congenital heart disease care bring new hope to Victoria mom

Advances in congenital heart disease care bring new hope to Victoria mom

Experts believe the current number of Canadians living with CHD is likely over 300,000
Greater Victoria seniors find a canine love connection through Elder Dogs

Greater Victoria seniors find a canine love connection through Elder Dogs

Volunteers are the heart of the organization that breeds happy endings
3.8-magnitude earthquake rattles Greater Victoria

3.8-magnitude earthquake rattles Greater Victoria

The tremors were 'lightly felt' on Thursday Feb. 13
Safety in numbers: UVic researcher aims to break stigma on group sex

Safety in numbers: UVic researcher aims to break stigma on group sex

The Group Sex Project aims to collect 750 responses to benefit people who engage in these common but stigmatized sexual behaviours
Victoria, Sooke see rise in overdose calls, defying provincial trend

Victoria, Sooke see rise in overdose calls, defying provincial trend

Victoria saw a five per cent increase in overdose calls in 2024 while Sooke's numbers jumped nearly 60 per cent
Strangulation a common thread in Greater Victoria’s domestic violence

Strangulation a common thread in Greater Victoria’s domestic violence

Saanich police deal with an average of nearly three reports of domestic violence every day