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Rising costs burden families: report

Rising costs burden families: report

VITAL SIGNS: Cost of living a bigger concern for Greater Victorians than homelessness, new survey suggests

House prices will keep increasing, predicts Victoria Real Estate Board president

Despite economic downturn, Greater Victoria property values hold steady

Saanich police dogs earn their badges

Earning his badge The department’s four police dogs – Zeke, Panzer, Taz and Brock – were presented with officer badges at a ceremony Tuesday recognizing that the animals are not just a tool of the job, but are valued, serving members in the organization.
BRIEFS: Oil, marijuana, metal theft among UBCM issues

BRIEFS: Oil, marijuana, metal theft among UBCM issues

Civic delegates urge caution on smart meters, oil exports and P3 projects
Teacher talks loom over legislative session

Teacher talks loom over legislative session

The B.C. government will provide more money for special-needs support in the province's public schools, and impose new training on teachers, according to Premier Christy Clark's first throne speech.

UVic won't host regional advance poll for civic elections

Though many UVic students live on campus or in the surrounding Saanich communities, a lot commute from Victoria and Oak Bay on a daily basis, Sherlock said. Having an advance poll on campus where students living in any of these municipalities could vote would allow for better political engagement.

Province must address smart meter backlash, municipal politicians say

"I do hope the province does step in and listens to municipalities because we, the elected politicians, only represent the concerns that our residents come up with, and this is a huge, huge one."
Thousands take part in Run for the Cure

Thousands take part in Run for the Cure

CIBC's Run For the Cure in Victoria drew about 4,500 people Sunday running in groups or with friends to raise money for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. The event is the largest single-day, volunteer-led event in Canada supporting the cure for breast cancer. The Victoria run took place in Saanich in and around the University of Victoria.
Loaded-down van reeking of pot attracts police cruiser's attention

Loaded-down van reeking of pot attracts police cruiser's attention

The officer stopped the vehicle, described as emitting an "overwhelming" smell of marijuana. Looking into the rear of the van, he saw black garbage bags stacked to the roof inside.
Clark offers $30 million for rec facilities

Clark offers $30 million for rec facilities

Premier Christy Clark has used her first keynote address to municipal leaders to announce what she calls a "modest" $30 million fund for local recreation centres, playgrounds and trails.