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B.C. eyes higher fees to push smokers to quit

B.C. eyes higher fees to push smokers to quit

Controversial MSP premium surcharge on table: de Jong

Saanich mayoral candidates favour online voting proposal

Union of B.C. Municipalities delegates voted by a two-to-one margin last week to urge the province to lay the groundwork to allow online voting as an option three years from now.

Model UN conference comes to UVic

Throughout the year, the club discusses current events and global issues, preparing student delegates to visit other model UN conferences around the world. The goal of the conference, Matthews said, is to foster leadership and enthusiasm for local and international issues.

Island libraries take part in breastfeeding challenge Saturday

On Oct. 1, the Vancouver Island Health Authority and Vancouver Island libraries are partnering for the 10th annual Quintessence Breastfeeding Challenge, an international event with the goal of setting the record for the most babies breastfeeding at one time.

Camosun gets $700,000 from province for job creation

"This funding announcement means we can continue working with unemployed individuals to help them build skills toward meaningful employment,” said Wendy Magahay, co-ordinator of contract training at Camosun, calling the learning "life-changing."

Reynolds hosts bottle drive for Cops for Cancer

Reynolds secondary students are in the thick of an intensive 12-day campaign to raise money for Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock, which will roll through the school next Friday (Oct. 7).
Dix blasts B.C. Liberals in UBCM speech

Dix blasts B.C. Liberals in UBCM speech

NDP leader Adrian Dix used his first speech to the Union of B.C. Municipalities Thursday to attack a series of B.C. Liberal moves, from imposing a municipal auditor to restricting local government control of transit funding.

Longtime Naden band director hangs up baton

Lt. Rob Byrne replaced by Sub.-Lt. Matthew Clark

Woman arrested after downtown stabbing incident

Man taken to hospital Tuesday with two wounds
UVic's contentious parkade plan back before council Oct. 4

UVic's contentious parkade plan back before council Oct. 4

UVic's original plans were rejected in August after councillors characterized the proposed 505-stall concrete parking garage as too big, ugly and in the wrong place on campus.